Guide: What to Prepare Before an Open House

a photo of a living room

Preparing for an open house is a crucial step in the home-selling process. An open house allows potential buyers to explore the property and envision themselves living there, which can significantly influence their decision to make an offer. To make the most of this opportunity, it’s essential to prepare thoroughly. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get ready for your open house, complete with examples and actionable tips.

1. Declutter and Depersonalize

A clutter-free home feels more spacious and inviting. Start by removing personal items such as family photos, memorabilia, and personal collections. Potential buyers need to visualize their belongings in the space, which can be challenging if your personal items dominate the scene.


If your living room is filled with numerous knick-knacks, consider packing them away. Replace family photos with neutral artwork. Store excess furniture to create a more open and spacious environment.


2. Deep Clean Your Home

A clean home is a welcoming home. Ensure every corner of your house is spotless, from the floors to the ceilings. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms, as these areas are often deal-breakers for buyers.


If necessary, hire a professional cleaning service to do a thorough job. Clean windows, scrub the grout in the bathrooms, and make sure all appliances are shining. Steam clean carpets and rugs to freshen them up.


3. Make Necessary Repairs

Fix any obvious issues that might turn off potential buyers. Small repairs can make a big difference in the overall impression of your home. Look for things like leaky faucets, cracked tiles, and broken light fixtures.


If there’s a dripping faucet in the kitchen, replace the washer or the faucet itself. Patch up any holes in the walls and repaint if necessary. Ensure all lights are working and replace any burned-out bulbs.


4. Stage Your Home

Staging is about arranging your home to appeal to the widest range of buyers. This involves furniture placement, decor, and even the use of lighting to highlight your home’s best features.


In the living room, arrange furniture to create a cozy conversation area. Use neutral colors for throw pillows and blankets to appeal to a broad audience. Place fresh flowers in the entryway to add a welcoming touch.


5. Boost Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home is the first thing buyers see, so it needs to make a good impression. Ensure your lawn is mowed, bushes are trimmed, and the entrance is inviting.


Add potted plants or flowers to the front porch. Repaint the front door if it’s looking worn. Ensure the house number is visible and clean and the driveway and walkways are clear and well-maintained.


6. Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

Set the stage for a pleasant experience by making sure your home smells fresh and inviting. You can bake cookies, light scented candles, or use air fresheners to achieve this.


If you bake cookies, leave them on the kitchen counter for visitors to enjoy. Use subtle scents like vanilla or citrus to avoid overpowering smells. Ensure the temperature in the home is comfortable.


7. Prepare Informational Materials

Provide potential buyers with all the information they might need. This includes flyers with property details, floor plans, and information about the neighborhood.


Create a flyer highlighting your home’s key features, such as recent renovations, the size of each room, and any included appliances. Include a local area map with points of interest like schools, parks, and shopping centers.


8. Promote Your Open House

Ensure you promote your open house by using online listings, social media, and traditional methods like flyers and signs to attract potential buyers.


Post your open house details on real estate websites like Zillow and Share the event on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Place signs in your neighborhood to direct traffic to your home.


9. Consider Security Measures

With many people entering your home, taking security precautions is important. Secure valuables and sensitive information out of sight or in a locked space.


Remove jewelry, electronics, and important documents from the premises. Lock up prescription medications and other personal items that could be easily taken.


10. Plan for Pets

If you have pets, it’s best to arrange for them to be out of the house during the open house. Not all potential buyers will be comfortable around animals, and pets can sometimes be a distraction.


Ask a friend or neighbor to care for your pets for a few hours. Alternatively, consider a pet daycare service for the day.


Preparing for an open house involves a combination of cleaning, staging, and promoting your home to ensure it looks its best and attracts serious buyers. By following these steps, you can create an inviting atmosphere that allows potential buyers to see themselves living in your home, increasing the chances of receiving an offer. Remember, the effort you put into preparation can significantly impact the success of your open house. However, if you hire us to represent you in your selling journey, we’ll ensure you don’t do all that yourself. We’ll do the work for you! From start to finish, we’ll guide you through the entire process and represent and protect your best interests. Are you ready to turn your home into a profit? Let’s create a strategy for you! Give me a call at 347-354-9101 or book an appointment here.