This neighborhood is full of life and welcomes everyone in with open arms! With its stunning views of the city, trendy restaurants, and music venues, it's the perfect spot for commuters who appreciate accessible public transportation by train, bus, and ferry. Young professionals will love the new luxury condos that come with private terraces and overlook prewar buildings and single-family brick homes. The mix of new and old creates a unique blend that is palpable and sure to impress.
Astoria is one of New York City's best cultural enclaves, boasting a cluster of prestigious arts institutions that make the western area of Astoria an arts district. The Isamu Noguchi Museum, Socrates Sculpture Park, the Museum of the Moving Image, and Kaufman Astoria Studios are just a few of the many attractions that will delight visitors.
Astoria Park, located along the East River, is the largest park in Astoria and home to the largest public pool (330 feet long) in New York City. It was also the site of the 1936 and 1964 U.S. Olympic trials. The Hell Gate Bridge and New York Connecting Railroad/Northeast Corridor viaduct tower above Astoria, providing a stunning backdrop for visitors and residents alike. And for those looking for a taste of history, the oldest beer garden in New York City, Bohemian Hall, was founded in 1910.
Astoria is a bustling community that hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Since 2020, the 31st Ave Open Street has been running programming on 31st Avenue with local artists and businesses. Shop Small Astoria, a collective of independent retail stores, also hosts neighborhood shopping and drink crawls. There's always something to do and see in Astoria!